About Zeus WPI

Zeus WPI is the student association for Computer Science at Ghent University. Our goal is to provide a stimulating environment for motivated students looking to expand their skills by engaging in interesting real-world projects.

We organize various tech related talks by experts (eg. professors, PhD's, Richard Stallman, Felix Reda, ...), hands-on coding events and introductory lectures for cool technologies. Together we build interesting applications for Ghent University students (Hydra), for FaculteitenKonvent and 12urenloop, and ofcourse for ourselves.

2023-05-14 • Tom Naessens • Je raadt nooit wie in '23-'24 ons nieuwe bestuur vormt!

Afgelopen dinsdag kwamen we traditiegetrouw samen in de studententuin om ons huidige bestuur te bedanken voor hun inzet en voornamelijk, om een nieuw bestuur te verkiezen voor het komende academiejaar. De verkiezingen waren spannend omdat er voor bijna alle functies meerdere kandidaten waren. Uiteindelijk is iedereen die dinsdag opkwam, verkozen en dus stellen we met trots ons nieuwe bestuur voor dat Zeus WPI volgend jaar zal vertegenwoordigen: Rol Naam ...

2023-02-04 • Jasper Devreker • We bypass read-out protection on the CC2510

One of our members managed to score some e-ink displays from eBay. These displays are used in shops, where they indicate the price of the items that can be bought. This has two key advantages over regular paper price tags: the text on the e-ink displays can be updated automatically and it’s possible to do fancier graphics. e-ink has an important distinction from the more common LCD screens: they only use power when they change their content. This enables the tags to have a small capacity batt...

2022-12-21 • Tibo Ulens • Because why have one system that can fail, when you can have several

Every Zeus member needs to enter the Kelder at some point, so why not give them ample choice for how they should do so. Inspired by Niko’s addition of a Zeus-specific mode to Hydra which allowed the door to be unlocked using NFC and fueled by the incessant desire to do anything that isn’t studying brought on by the exam season, I decided everyone’s favourite door could do with yet another upgrade: a random fingerprint sensor I found in the back of the electronics closet! Hardware The Sensor...

2022-11-22 • Jasper Devreker • We hack an Android TV box into something useful

Our mobile Internet Service Provider (ISP) has a bundle where they provide a 4G modem for internet access, and a separate TV set-top box that can be used to watch their TV content or to watch streaming services. This device was sent to us as part of the bundle, but at Zeus, we don’t really have a use for it: we don’t really watch television in our space. What we do have a need for, however, are low-power computers that can run Linux. In this blog post, we will hack this set-top box to run Lin...